Last week’s post perhaps came across a bit too much doom and gloom-ish with me feeling a bit fed up with photography (or edging towards it). I think it was more a case of me having shot a lot of black and white street photography with my analog equipment this summer and I might have done a bit too much of that without shooting other things now and then. Therefore I jumped at the chance to head out into the woods for some fall colors with my constant photo buddy (a.k.a. Dad). He graciously “allowed” me to shoot with my 18-200 lens on my Canon 600D (it’s been on long-term loan to him while he figures out what lens to get for his camera), while he used my backup 35-75 mm crap lens.
Read Morecanon 600d
Day 224 - August 17: Merry Go Round
The 365 Project Mark IV - The Eighth Month Summary
Wrap-up post number eight of the year and only four to go now before this year’s edition of the 365 idea is done. Yay! It did feel a bit endless there for a while in March when I was on month three, but now it absolutely feels like something I’ll finish, making this my third success out of four tries at this sort of thing. Of course, by saying it like this I’ve no doubt jinxed myself somehow…aw well…shrug
Read More“Let the good times roll!”
Colors, Drums and Sunshine!
A few weekends ago I attended the Landskrona Carnival with the parents who hadn’t been there before (I’ve been before, but not the actual parade part…which was the main reason we went). It turned out to be quite an interesting and entertaining experience, not to mention a challenging one, photography wise.
I had lent my dad my 18-200 mm zoom lens, since his is no longer working, so I was using only my 50 mm on my Canon 600D. Yep, I was shooting digital again…it seems to be something I’ve gotten back to this summer, at least a little bit. No worries though, I am still using my analog gear as well. It’s just that when you expect a boatload of colors and action my black and white analog setup doesn’t really work that well!
Read MoreVikings and Odd Sports
These last few weekends this analog film shooter has done quite a bit of digital photography (sacrilege I know!), since I’ve visited a few events where there are more action filled elements and I am not really good at capturing action with my analog cameras…yet.
Read MoreDay 137 - Sea Rescue Boat returning to port
The 365 Project Mark IV - The Fifth Month Summary
Five months gone already? Really? This year is proceeding fast. Just one month to go to the halfway point, and then it’s all downhill from there. Well, if this had been a hill climb it might be, but it’s not, so I’ll refrain from more analogies I think. Anywho…I am glad that we’re into the sixth month of the year, because it’s warm(ish) outside and there’s a lot of daylight (too much of it according to certain Texan people I know I am sure!). I like it though, because it gives me more time to shoot during the days.
Read MoreYellow Gold
This week’s been very busy at work and I’ve had little time to go out and shoot anything, let alone trawl through the archive, so when my dad suggested we head out there today (Sunday) and shoot a little bit I jumped at the opportunity. Right now the rapeseed fields all around us here in the south are in bloom so there’s so much vibrant yellow that it almost feels surreal to see it…especially combined with a clear blue sky there’s a certain Swedishness to it. ;-)
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