Once again I've got some analog images to show in this blog, and unlike last week's batch I think I nailed the focus in at least one or two of these with "my" (technically dad's) Zeiss Ikon Nettar 6 x 6 camera from 1957. I must say I am starting to like these large negatives...the amount of information in them is pretty amazing!
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Back on the streets again...
It's been awhile since the last blog entry on June 7th now hasn't it? Well, I've been away from a computer for a large part of that time so it's been a bit tricky to update. For the better part of the last three weeks I've been across the Atlantic pond visiting some very loved ones in Texas. I've had a fantastic time and long for the moment when I can see them again!
Read MoreLots of photographers trying to get good shots of the parade. :-)
Pride, Pride, Pride...
I've had a busy weekend (and a few days afterwards editing the photos) shooting two Pride parades. It's so much fun shooting these events, because even while it is in fact a protest march, it is a march FOR something, rather than against (which is usually the case). It's about positivity in every sense of the word!
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