Another month done, so it is time for a monthly wrap-up post. This makes for my fourth such post, making this a third of the year done already. It doesn’t feel like I’ve done 120 days of this project, but when I do look in my 365 folder on the computer there are indeed over 120 images there…so it must be true.
Anyway, spring made its full and complete arrival during the month of April, and there were even hints of summer temperatures right around Easter, which made for an enjoyable couple of days right around that holiday.
The cover image is from the beech forest area near Torna Hällestad, a small community outside Lund in southernmost Sweden. For some reason these particular beech trees turn all kinds of fairytale creature shapes when they grow…which has earned the area the name Trollskogen (which means “Troll Woods”). When you see how they contort themselves in all kinds of directions it’s not difficult to see why the place got that name!
April 1 - Day 91: On the way to the game
First game of the season…that’s always a nice time to go see a soccer game. Everything’s fresh and all the potential wins are all ahead of the team (and the supporters). In the end the game was a draw (1-1) so just one point, rather than the three everyone wanted. But the team has done better since and is at the top of the league now in May. I shot the picture above on the way to the game, since I just couldn’t help noticing this dad and his three kids on the way to their spots at the arena. The moment wasn’t lost on me since I was about to watch the game with my dad and my brother. Perhaps in forty years or so one of the kids in the picture will shoot his picture of a young family about to go the first game?
April 6 - Day 96: Analog Photography Class in progress
One of the fun parts of being in charge of the darkroom at my photo club is to host the Beginners’ class in analog photography. We do three days of shooting, developing and printing and when this picture was taken the four students (and my co-instructor Conny on the far right in the pictur) were out in the park shooting away after instructing them how to load their cameras. In the end everyone came away with negative sleeves full of pictures and they all did one print each in the darkroom. So it all turned out great. Yay!
April 16 - Day 106: Photographers' Brunch
This picture was taken with one of my analog cameras at the monthly Photographers’ Brunches that I try to go to whenever I can (and manage to sign up to before the spots are all taken by other keen photographers). Anna with her very new little guy and Ann-Kristin closest to the camera were sitting in the lovely light at the Coffee Square café where we gather and stuff ourselves with food before heading out on the town for some shooting together. I do enjoy hanging out with these people and talking photography and all kind of other image related nerdery.
April 28 - Day 118: First of many to come
This 2019 365 project is the fourth time I’ve had a go at this and I think I’ve put in a closeup of a forest anemone in all four of them. That might not be the most inventive compositional choice, but I really don’t care. When we see these flowers start to appear, we KNOW that spring is here and that the warm season isn’t far behind. So to me it’s all good and I enjoy taking pictures of them every year! It’s almost a ritual by now.
April 29 - Day 119: It's a new day
I suppose a very colorful sunrise picture is just about the most cliche picture out there…perhaps in competition with a sunset picture…or flower pictures. So I guess I scored two out of three on that with my last two picks for this month’s summary. Aw well, no biggy! This particular picture was taken in Staffanstorp as I made my way over to my bike after being done with work. I like it because not only is the sky amazing, I also managed to get a little bird silhouette in there too. Perhaps the fella up there on the lamp post was as awestruck as I was with the pretty sky? Nah, probably not!