About a month ago it was time for the season closer for my photo club and we had decided to have a bit of a hot dogs and beer moment by the ocean at the Sibbarp camping site just south of Malmö, Sweden. We’ve been there a few times before and it’s such a delightfully pretty site…provided the weather behaves itself! We definitely got lucky with that on the day, the sun was out in full force…almost too full in fact, making for quite a few overexposed images on the memory cards. That could have been my fault too of course, being a dummy with my camera…
Other than having more hot dogs than is probaby healthy we were of course there to shoot some photos too and we gave ourselves about an hour to explore the immediate vicinity around the camping site and beach area.
Bunnies! I wish I had brought something more zoom-ish than my 35 mm lens though!
Lots of people out that Monday afternoon into evening enjoying the warm weather
There’s few ways to avoid having the Bridge in your frame when at the coast around here. It’s such an impressive structure!
More Bridge and silhouettes. :-)
I think that bike-car thing was definitely at its maximum passenger capacity!
I like the contrast between the gray branches reaching outward and her bright blue veil.
Niklas tested the waters…so that the rest of us didn’t have to. That beach isn’t known for the cleanest water…
That male swan was very busy patroling his territory, making sure that there was no competition to his reign
That couple was squeezing out the last bits of daylight for their picnic…and I can’t say I blame them!
I like this image in particular because just a few days after I took this one I was on a plane just like that, leaving Copenhagen Airport for the US…but that’s another story, for a different blogpost.