I wrote in the last blog post that I didn’t really have any plans for what I am going to do with my 2025 photographic or creative year and that still stands. No clue yet…however I also wrote that I’d try to get out there more to take more pictures, even if it is still pretty meh around here as far as light and weather goes. It IS getting better though, the days are getting longer and you don’t risk freezing body parts off when out and about (provided you wear sensible clothing of course!).
Read Morejanuary
First photos of the year
Last weekend was the first outing with a camera for 2023 and I went to my usual monthly Photographers' Brunch in Malmö, Sweden. We're a group of 10-20 photographers that meet up for a Sunday morning brunch followed by a slow stroll through the streets with our cameras, ready to take a picture or two.
Read MoreJanuary 28 - Stormy Waves
The 365 Project Mark VI - Month One
“So here I am once more…”
Those are the first words from a song by my long time favorites Marillion and they seem pretty apt (although the actual song is about something entirely different) to use for the first summary of the year’s 365 project. I didn’t do any summaries last year, unlike previous 365 years and I found that missed doing them. They provided a nice end to one part of the project and a chance to think about the progress so far.
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Gray month...again!
January is now over and we’re into the shortest month of the year. This month my grand total of photos taken has been the lowest in years, and I am fine with that. I’ve written several blog posts now about how the obsession with shooting I used to have up until the fall of 2014 hasn’t returned. That is okay, because I am still very interested in photography as a subject...or topic. I definitely read books and magazines and watch videos online about photographers’ works and techniques, I’ve just not felt the urge to go out there and apply the skills or ideas presented in these various types of media.
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