Wrap-up post number eight of the year and only four to go now before this year’s edition of the 365 idea is done. Yay! It did feel a bit endless there for a while in March when I was on month three, but now it absolutely feels like something I’ll finish, making this my third success out of four tries at this sort of thing. Of course, by saying it like this I’ve no doubt jinxed myself somehow…aw well…shrug
The cover image for this month’s post was taken at the Malmö Festival, an annual event which has been very much at the center of my most recent blog entries. This particular image was part of my August 18th entry where I shared my digital photos from the event (although there it was cropped a bit differently). I’ve experimented several times through the years taking slow shutter speed images of this particular ride, both in color and now in black and white, and I think this year I did pretty well!
Day 213 - August 1: It’s a new day
Yes I know that sunrises and sunsets are about the most cliche pictures one can share on Instagram…but when it looks like this one did…I am willing to make an exception to the “no cliche pictures” idea! This was taken in Staffanstorp, and I just had to stop and snap the picture with my phone before moving along.
Day 224 - August 12: Carnival Dancer
This picture was taken at the Landskrona Carnival which I posted a REALLY long entry from on August 12. This particular image however was not part of that post (I had a different picture of this dancer in there), so I figured it could work as a 365 image. I had so many pictures from that event that I had quite a surplus! I think she was part of an Indonesian dance group, if my memory serves me right. Definitely a very colorful outfit for sure! One of MANY I saw that day. I shot this with my old Canon DSLR, because, let’s face it… you really shouldn’t take colorful carnival pictures with analog gear and black and white film!
Day 226 - August 14: At the FEstival with Daddy
The Malmö Festival plays a big part of this monthly summary, and this picture was taken at that event. I saw this adorable couple together, sharing a quiet moment not too far away from the very bustling food truck area, packed with people. I shot this with my DSLR and a 50 mm lens and this image is a crop of the original. I didn’t want to get too close and ruin the moment, so cropping in post was my solution.
Day 232 - August 20: See puddle, must splash!
I think all kids who see a puddle have a built in urge to splash about in it. This little boy at the Malmö Festival was definitely keen on it, hitting several of the puddles on the way, even though his father did his best to reign him in. Just like the image above this is a crop of a DSLR shot, done with a 50 mm lens.
Day 242 - August 30: Only You exist for me
Aww…young love…isn’t it pretty? I’m pretty pleased with how this one turned out, how the young couple are in the sunlight while everything else is in the shade. I wish I could say that it was ALL intentional, but to be honest I was just focused on getting close enough to shoot the image, without disturbing them and ruining the moment! Chalk this one up to luck I think! This was taken on Rollei Retro 400S film with my Canon 650 SLR and a 50 mm lens.