Last week’s post perhaps came across a bit too much doom and gloom-ish with me feeling a bit fed up with photography (or edging towards it). I think it was more a case of me having shot a lot of black and white street photography with my analog equipment this summer and I might have done a bit too much of that without shooting other things now and then. Therefore I jumped at the chance to head out into the woods for some fall colors with my constant photo buddy (a.k.a. Dad). He graciously “allowed” me to shoot with my 18-200 lens on my Canon 600D (it’s been on long-term loan to him while he figures out what lens to get for his camera), while he used my backup 35-75 mm crap lens.
Power walker entering my shot…aw well… shrug
We went to the nearby Bokskogen area at Torup just a few miles from where we live, and that’s an area ripe with potential fall colors. However, as of yet the colors haven’t really turned into full fall mode - there’s still a lot of saturated greens among the leaves and trees.
In this post I’ve collected a few to convey the mood of the day, a quiet stroll through mood-restoring woods and along the paths where joggers and the occasional dog with owner in tow behind broke the photographic concentration, but not for very long. These are no masterpieces by any stretch of the imagination, but it did feel very good to have those moments out in nature!