This week’s been very busy at work and I’ve had little time to go out and shoot anything, let alone trawl through the archive, so when my dad suggested we head out there today (Sunday) and shoot a little bit I jumped at the opportunity. Right now the rapeseed fields all around us here in the south are in bloom so there’s so much vibrant yellow that it almost feels surreal to see it…especially combined with a clear blue sky there’s a certain Swedishness to it. ;-)
The city of Lund in the background
I decided to unpack my big 6 x 6 Kiev 60 camera from my bag and instead dust off my Canon 600D for some digital shots, which is something I haven’t done a lot of this year. The last time I shot anything with that camera was at the end of March…so I guess it was time again, huh? After all…black and white isn’t really the right choice to shoot these kinds of flowers!
It’ll be just a quick post today, because not much has happened photographically this week, other than today’s outing. Hopefully next weekend I can have something new to share…but no promises!
Looks like I was way out in the field, trampling my way through the plants…but no, this was right by the side of the road.