Five months gone already? Really? This year is proceeding fast. Just one month to go to the halfway point, and then it’s all downhill from there. Well, if this had been a hill climb it might be, but it’s not, so I’ll refrain from more analogies I think. Anywho…I am glad that we’re into the sixth month of the year, because it’s warm(ish) outside and there’s a lot of daylight (too much of it according to certain Texan people I know I am sure!). I like it though, because it gives me more time to shoot during the days.
The cover image was shot on my go-to beach at Lomma. Technically it isn’t shot during the month of May, but rather much earlier in the year, but I uploaded it to my project during May so it’s still valid. I’ve allowed myself some leeway when it comes to using archival shots during this year’s project, because sometimes you just don’t have any images for the day. It was a great day at the beach though, and being able to capture the boat coming into port was a nice end of the shooting trip. I don’t think they had gone out on a mission…I’m guessing it was “just” practice.
Day 127 - Arches
It’s funny what images end up gaining likes on Instagram and which ones don’t. This was an almost throwaway image I took during an outing to Copenhagen to finish a roll so I could develop my shots from the local Sakura festival there. I guess my inner photographer saw something when he peeked through the archway to the inner courtyard of the Royal Theater there and decided to snap the last frame of the roll at the scene. I suppose there’s something about the repetition of the archways and the way the inner courtyard opens up that appeals to people.
Day 128 - Portable Cloud Storage?
The title of that day’s post was my lame attempt at nerd humor (possibly fueled by talk with my nephew about his attempts at setting up a NAS server for his family…yep, he’s most definitely a nerd). I took the pic of the guys carrying sacks of something bulky, but definitely not heavy at the Stortorget square in Malmö, Sweden. One of those moments that can turn up in front of you all of a sudden and it’s a good feeling when you manage to capture it, be it on film, on a memory card or on the phone’s internal storage!
Day 139 - Yellow Gold
One of the nicest (and definitely most colorful) indicators that summer’s on the way around these parts is when the rapeseed fields start blossoming with vibrant yellow flowers. In certain parts of the province it’s like an undulating yellow sea out in the fields and it’s quite the sight. I hadn’t really had the time to shoot them this year, but one Sunday afternoon I told Dad that we needed to get out there to shoot…if only for an hour. We drove a few miles and shot the rapeseed flowers and fields and it felt very invigorating to do so!
Day 145 - Dressed for the location
I shot this image at the local Science Fiction bookstore on the day of the Nerd Parade (I wrote about that in the previous blog post). I like the anachronistic feel of the scene with this medieval outfit seen in a very modern bookstore.
Day 147 - Lines at a parking garage
This is a prime example of how a scene can “elude” you for a long time before you actually see it, let alone shoot a picture of it. This is a small part of the parking garage at the Ica Maxi grocery store at the Western Harbor district in Malmö, Sweden. I’ve gone past this place many times and not spotted how the lines of the green ramps leading up and down to the parking area could make for an architectural image, but on that day I saw it and managed to capture it. I guess it goes to show you need to be in the right frame of mind AND have your photographic vision switched on to get some images!