Tap, tap, tap…is this thing still on? Mic check…mic check…hello! I guess it still works. Good! It has been a loooooong time since I did anything with this blog of mine, and I think I will chalk that up to the whole 2020 experience. But since today is the last day of this “annus horribilis” (to quote the Queen) I figured an update is not a bad idea.
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So long my friend...
I had planned that this week’s blogpost would be illustrated with analog images from a recent photowalk in Malmö with the IgersMalmoe group, but last week I found out via Facebook that one of my longest online friends had passed away, so I’ll postpone that idea into the future. I just don’t have the urge to write a whole lot of words on photos I haven’t had the urge to edit.
Read MoreMarch 9 - Day 68: Time to get away from that rain!
The 365 Project Mark IV - The Third Month Summary
One fourth of the year is over and I have another 31 images to write a blog post about…my March “harvest”. It’s been an interesting month photography wise, because at long last it looks like the snotfest we call winter is finally over and we’re on the way towards better light, which is pretty crucial for photography…at least if you want to take anything more than “moody” gray photos (nothing wrong with those though if that’s what you’re after).
Read MoreThe 365 Project 2019: Day 46 - Seashell by the seashore
The 365 Project Mark IV - The Second Month Summary
Time flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? Already one sixth into the new year and my ongoing 365 project is well on the way to becoming a routine again. Last year I ran out of steam regarding the uploading part during the spring months for a variety of reasons, but this year I am going to keep it up and upload stuff every day. I think the addition of negative scans here and there among the cell phone shots will be the thing that keeps me going, that inspires me to do this one more year. Mixing it up a bit you know!
Read MoreApril 25 - Day 115: Evening Riders
Instagram 365 April Wrap-Up
Fourth month of the year is done and once again it is time for a little monthly wrap-up post from me. April was not a very happy month for me and I am very glad we are now into the month of May when the weather is better and the light lasts longer and longer every day! I did lose the urge to post my images every day right after the middle of the month, but I've since caught up again and I don't have any plans on stopping the project before I am done on December 31st.
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New look for the website!
I've done what many others have done before; I've taken the plunge and moved over from WordPress to SquareSpace for my personal portfolio/web site. It's not that I don't like WordPress, it's just that I didn't really get into my head how to make it work to my liking.
I've deleted the previous entries of my blog, so that I'm starting fresh with the new look, which I really like. It's clean and I hope to keep it that way, not overloading it with pictures. I've seen far too many websites where "more is more" seems to be the idea. I used to think like that before but I've since changed my mind and will try to keep the number of images lower. It's better to swap them out more often if need arises!
So what will I be posting here? Since it is a website owned by a photographer it won't take much to figure out that one...yep, photos. Well done! It'll be one-offs, stories about photo outings, recommendations on other photographers' works, picks from the archive. We'll see how I get the blogging going...hopefully I can be a heck of a lot more prolific (and disciplined) than I was before in that regard!