This is my second blogpost with images in a unique format from the Hasselblad X Pan II camera I’ve got on loan for a month. I haven’t shot quite as much as I thought I would, since the whole world pretty much descended into Corona territory…but I did squeeze in a few rounds with it before we were all told to stay far away from each other, and I have a few rolls still yet to both shoot and develop, so my guess is that there will be a few more posts with images in this ultrawide format in the future!
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Ridiculously wide images!
When you start going down the rabbit hole of analog photography you can develop what is known as G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome), where you want to buy ALL the cameras of ALL the different types out there because they’re just so cheap! At least they used to be. Nowadays analog cameras are going up in price at a somewhat alarming rate (for those who want to buy new stuff all the time). Personally I am quite happy with the cameras I have at the moment so I don’t feel the need to hunt for any new gear…except perhaps a lens or two for my medium format camera. But that is for a later date.
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Festival days, part II
Last blog post I showed some of my digital images from the recently finished Malmö Festival, the annual event held in Malmö, Sweden (for the last 35 years). I took analog shots too during my visits to the event, but I had yet to develop them at the time. I’ve done that now and scanned them as well, so this week’s entry in this blog is all about the analog shots I took, both with my 135 camera (a Canon 650) as well as my 120 camera (a Kiev 60).
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