The weather is no longer arctically (is that a word? if not it should be!) frigid outside, so the Swedes suddenly sport all kinds of color in their choice of clothing rather than the dark blue, black or brown we seem to wear during the winter months (yep, I am guilty as well with my black winter coat), so it seemed like a good idea to head out there again for some street photography. I’ve not done a whole lot of it this winter, and the little I’ve done I haven’t really felt the urge to post on the blog.
Instead it seems I’ve done a whole lot of tree photography…at least that’s what I see when I look at my negative sleeves! Lots and lots of trees. Now I don’t mind that at all, I like trees and the interesting shapes they can end up in…but as a self-proclaimed street photographer there’s been a certain dirth in the “people in the streets” photo department lately!
Therefore…here’s a few images I shot in Malmö yesterday around the Möllevången square. It has a vibrant produce market with lots of interesting characters, as well as a bunch of people involved in political campaigning at the moment for the upcoming European Parliament election. So there’s lots of potential for images…at least during market hours!
Campaigning for the European Parliament election in a few weeks’ time
I shot these with my Russian “compact” camera, the medium format 6 x 6 Kiev 60, weighing in at around 2 kilograms (almost 4 lbs). Therefore I don’t have too many images to share (12 shots on a roll after all), but there’s enough to fill this blog post to a satisfactory degree.
Next week? I might be back to trees again…who knows! It’ll be busy at work on a new schedule as well as some other activities so I don’t know if I’ll have any new pics to share. I might have to dig into the archive for some photography flashback moments. We’ll see.
And here the photographer (with a ridiculously large camera in front of his face) got spotted…
Just to fill out the post a bit I figured I’d include three images below from my hometown’s annual Bonnamarknaden event (sort of our annual town fair). It’s mostly just vendors of various knick knacks and sub-par souvenirs…and an amusement park that overcharges for the rides. But…people seem to like it anyway. This year it was bitterly windy, rainy and cold though on the Saturday of the weekend, so the crowds were pretty limited when I was there.
The crowds were “huge”…