When the sun shines on a cold winter morning (the thermometer was at -6 C or 21 F) it feels just right to pack oneself and the constant photo partner (a.k.a. Dad) into the car and head down to the coast at Falsterbo. There’s just something special about seeing that horizon line that makes me feel more harmonious inside!
We were definitely not the only ones out there that morning, but there was plenty of room for everyone without interfering with each others’ experiences and that is just fine with me. In fact it made me think of how, right around this time 5 years ago we all had to start keeping distance to one another. I am so glad we do that now out of courtesy and preserving our own personal space, rather than out of a medical necessity!
I heard the joke that Swedes were relieved when the 2 meter stay-away-from-me zone was no longer needed…because then we could all go back to our regular 5 meter personal territories! I kind of like that joke, because it does have a kernel of truth, at least for me. I’ve never been one too keen on having people invade that zone…other than close family that is. Fortunately there was absolutely no need to do so at the beach on this sunny, cold morning!
I had a hunch that there wouldn’t be that much variety in the landscape we were going to. It’s a beach, with the ocean beyond that…so the variety level for the “big” landscape wouldn’t be that big. I did however think that going small was an idea, to shoot details and nearly abstract scenes. I had a few somewhat successful attempts at this and that was fun to do; it provided a bit of variety from the normal landscape photography I tend to do. The snow and ice (now already gone a few days later) gave me quite a few potential motifs and I was happy with what I got.
I don’t think I’ve seen seen sea ice floes like this before. They remind me of see-through jellyfish!
It asks if I want to know what the temperature is in the water. I’m guessing pretty darn cold!
My photo buddy taking a picture of an information sign for the annual photo book.