Taking a bus to the center of Malmö to photograph and show support for the annual Pride parade has become a part of the summer “ritual” for me in the last ten years or so (Covid years excluded of course) and it’s always fun! For a street photographer who often converts his photos to black and white it is also a welcome change in the photos into all colors of the rainbow (and then some!). As I always write though, it’s not just a celebration of everyone’s right to self-expression and love, it is also a protest and a show of strength and unity. I like seeing that!

As usual there was a gathering before the parade began, but unlike previous years I was there a bit later than usual so I only got a few shots of the people congregating in the park outside the City Library. I only had around 15 minutes or so to walk around with my camera before it was time to pick a good spot on the parade route so that I could have a good view of the participants walking past me. That’s okay though, I’ve taken pictures at the pre-parade gatherings so many times before that I didn’t mind cutting it short this year.

And two horses’ asses mark the end of the Parade….