One third of the year is done and it feels we are still in the same holding pattern we’ve been in since March of 2020, waiting for the light in the tunnel. Thankfully the weather is getting better, the days are longer, there’s more green and other colors out there and allergies are kicking in (that last bit isn’t exactly positive, but at least it’s an indication that spring is here…this year I’ll take that as an almost good thing!). Also, vaccines are being administered to more and more people…which is the most important thing!
My 365 project is rolling along and I’ve noticed a lot more color photos during the month of April, partly because there’s just more of it out there now! The cover image is from the Knivsåsen Nature Preserve outside Lund where a small area has a lot varied types of landscapes, this being at the foot of an old ice age esker (had to look up the English term on Wikipedia ;-)) The family had a lovely picnic there that day…which was good timing, because later that day we had an intense onslaught of snow come down for a few hours (only to melt away pretty much in a few hours). April weather…never a dull moment! ;-)
Day 104 - April 14: Golden Road
This image is a good illustration to the value of always bringing a camera with you (in this case a cell phone camera, but the idea still applies). This was taken during a walk in my neighborhood where I’ve walked and jogged hundreds of times through the years, but it was only this particular day that I saw the combination of the wet road with the late afternoon sunlight illuminating it and the edge of the dark cloud like that. Good thing I spotted it and was able to capture it!
Day 108 - April 18: When Doves Smooch
This, just like the image above, is an illustration of carrying a camera at all times can pay off. I glanced out through a window to look at the sky and the moon in the sky and spotted these two lovebirds (ha!) on a roof nearby. I zoomed in as much as the cell phone camera would allow without turning it into complete digital noise to capture them and with a bit of Snapseed editing I could turn them into silhouettes against a colorful sky.
Day 114 - April 24: Watching the world walk by
It’s been quite a while since I did much street photography (for obvious reasons) so it felt pretty good to be out and about for a few hours in the Hyllie area of Malmö with some of my fellow photo club members. It’s a brand new (and still growing) area of the city and it has some interesting buildings that you can have in the background when trying to capture the people navigating this part of their city. Will definitely be back there soon for more shooting!
Day 116 - April 26: One is a lonely number
I am detecting a theme for this blog post…to always carry a camera with you…because you might run across an image you didn’t expect! I shot this on another of my strolls through the neighborhood and couldn’t help noticing this kid sitting by himself at the inline hockey rink…seemingly all alone. There was just something about him being there all by himself in an area that is for team sports that made me go “oh no” on the inside and snap the picture. It told a story for sure.
However, it’s not the full story…because just a moment after I snapped the picture four more kids on inline skates and carrying hockey sticks showed up to join him. Still, the still image without this added explanation DOES tell a compelling story!
Day 119 - April 29: Descending
This is another image from the photowalk I did with my fellow photo club members in the Hyllie area of Malmö. These stairs lead up to (or down from depending on perspective) the roof of the Emporia shopping mall where there’s a recreational area with some nice views of both the Bridge to Denmark as well as the rest of the city of Malmö in the distance. I was attracted though to the odd shape the railing made and the difference between the bright stainless steel and the dark stone steps beneath. Sometimes it can be the littlest thing that makes you notice a scene and snap a picture!