Once again it's time to do a monthly wrap-up on my yearlong photo project. This was the tenth month in a row of taking, editing and posting an image every day via Instagram. This month also meant I passed the completely arbitrary, but still somewhat impressive, 300th image of the year. As before I've picked 5 images plus a "cover" to write a bit more about them.
The cover image above is taken at the Alnarp Agricultural University about twenty minutes' drive from my home. I was there for a photowalk with fellow photographers in a Facebook group and we were all somewhat amazed at the amount colors still present in the gardens. The fall up to that point had been unusually warm, so I guess that was one of the reasons why the foliage and colors were so abundant still.
October 4 - Day 278: Night walk
I took this image in central Malmö mostly as a test of what my camera phone is capable of when it comes to night shooting. The white balance was way off of course with all the lights, but it definitely works in black and white. I like the diagonals that the lights form over the street as well.
October 14 - Day 288: Roses on Dad's birthday
Pretty self-explanatory really...a bouquet of roses that my mother got for my dad on his birthday. I was intrigued by the color patterns of the roses enough to try and make a closeup of them. Some postprocessing later and it looks a bit like the kind of closeup you can make with a "real" camera as well.
October 18 - Day 292: Rain at Lund Central
As the month progressed the weather has, predictably enough, gotten worse and worse with more and more cloudy and often rainy days. This was taken on a particularly gray and rainy day as I walked across the tracks at the Lund train station. I liked how the tracks formed an elongated triangle leading to infinity...or in this case Malmö and beyond...
October 26 - Day 300: We Are The Champions!
This was taken from the stands at the final whistle when my team, Malmö FF, won the national title for the 19th time, making "us" the most successful Swedish soccer team ever. The fans were so happy that they stormed onto the field to celebrate. My brother and I had driven the two hours north to Falkenberg to be there for the game, and while it was a long drive home we were definitely in a fine mood all the way home again. It's a very lucky coincidence that this was also the 300th image of the year.
October 29 - Day 303: Waiting for a clear shot
Another night image...which I am happy to know that the camera phone can do. This was taken in central Malmö during another photowalk with some photography friends. We made a slow stroll through the city with our cameras and tripods looking for something to capture as the sun set and darkness fell. Just as I had positioned my camera for a shot a fellow photowalker got into the frame, so I had to wait a bit for my shot. It's all good in the end...we had lots of time to shoot.