The year is two thirds done and the air has a certain crispness to it at night. No doubt that fall is approaching, but we’ll get to enjoy warm days for a little while longer (hopefully anyway!). The eighth month of the year brought some previous types of photography and locations back to me, topics and places I’ve not had much contact with for the duration of the pandemic, so that was a lot of fun!
One of those locations is illustrated in the title photo above, namely Copenhagen (in this case its main train station). I wrote about this in a previous blogpost so I won’t repeat everything I wrote there, but I will say that it felt like a big step towards normalcy to be able to step onto a train and just go there, without too many restrictions. Hopefully we can do that for many other things in our lives soon!
Day 217 - August 5: Solo Traveler
This picture was taken on a whim almost, as I walked past this woman on the underground platform of the Triangeln train station in Malmö, Sweden. It was done with my Canon 650 camera on HP5+ film, so it was a lucky shot to get the exposure good enough to get anything out of that, given that the light situation in the station, while good for our human eyes isn’t exactly perfect for exposing film. Anywho…it was a blisteringly hot day when I was in town for an analog photowalk (which I wrote about in a previous blogpost) so it just felt nice to go down the two escalators to the station for some cooler temperatures. Getting this shot was a pretty nice bonus on top of that!
Day 226 - August 14: Conversation at an exhibition
Showing your photos to the general public is a lot of fun…seeing other people’s reaction to your creative endeavors is so rewarding and to get get feedback on them. That’s why I jumped at the chance to once again take part in the two-day open air Fotoplanket event in Ängelholm, Sweden in mid-August. All in all I got to talk to about 80 people over the two days who stopped to look at my photos. To my delight I didn’t hear any negative comments, most were in fact quite positive. In this picture my dad (who also took part in the group exhibition) is talking about his collection of photos of African wild animals with an interested visitor. It wasn’t until I looked at this picture on the computer after the event that I noticed that the guy has two different colors on his shoes. I wonder what the deal is with that…is that so he doesn’t have to think of which shoe goes on the left foot and which one goes on the right foot?
Day 234 - August 22: Tall and short, young and old
This is another shot from my visit to Copenhagen and it’s main pedestrian street in the downtown area of the city. For several kilometers the cars are not allowed access and you can stroll through there at your own pace and just enjoy the atmosphere. I must admit after being mostly away from other people for so long during the pandemic at first it was a bit unnerving to be among THAT many people, but for the most part people managed to respect each others’ personal spheres, so my unease waned after awhile. Also, it was obvious that the number of foreign tourists in town was nowhere near what it usually is at this time of year which, given the situation, I was very grateful for!
Day 240 - August 28: Through The Tunnel
More Copenhagen in this shot. This is a shot down a narrow side street, or alley even off the main pedestrian street. I saw this couple turn into this tunnel of an alley and I figured I could make them into silhouettes at least against the bright end of the walkway. It turned out I could actually get a lot more information out of the shadows than I thought…all due to the capabilities of the camera. Thanks Fujifilm!
Day 243 - August 31: Yvonne & Bengt
One of the things I’ve missed the most during the pandemic is the social interaction with friends, especially those who are into photography. It’s such an enjoyable experience to hang out and talk “shop” (or whatever we can come up with when we hang out). Therefore it’s been a treat to get back to the monthly photographers’ brunch events that I used to go to for several years before the pandemic, but had to take an 18 month break from. I wrote about the July event, which was my “comeback” in a previous blogpost. This picture is from the latest brunch event, where Yvonne and Bengt had a lot to talk about over the delights of the café’s offerings of food.