As I write this it is the day after the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk and I haven't felt any urge to head out today to take pictures even though there was good light for parts of the day at least. For the entirety of the walk through the streets of Copenhagen yesterday it rained, rained and then it rained even more! I don't think I've ever had to pour water out of the front of a camera before, but there definitely was some in my old Canon 50mm lens after the walk was done!
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December 31 - Day 366: A Step In The Right Direction - Goodbye 2016!
The 365 Project - December Wrap-Up
This is my 12th and final Wrap-Up post for the year-long project I had during 2016. That means that for 366 straight days I was able to take, edit and post a picture on Instagram. (that's bending the truth a bit though about the take a picture part...there were days when I didn't take the actual picture but had to resort to using the "archive").
I'll probably do a whole year retrospective blogpost in a little while, once the project has sort of settled in my mind, so this will be "just" a December wrap-up in the same vein as the previous ones; a cover image and then some pictures from the last month's batch.
Read MoreThe audience settling in to watch the awarded images of the 15th Malmö International
Can you really take good pictures with that thing?
There’s been very little new photography for me in the last week or so for a few reasons, one being I’ve been busy with photo club stuff (our big international exhibition was shown last weekend and I was the whirling dervish of tech for that, which gave me very little time for photography). I pretty much only had time to snap the panorama photo shown above.
Also my best photo buddy, a.k.a. my dad, is temporarily incapacitated with a bad knee which makes it impossible for him to tag along on photo walks and expeditions. That has put a serious damper on my urges to go out shooting for a bit. Hopefully some time with a physiotherapist will help that though, so that he can come with me again on our little adventures.
Platform at Malmö Central Station
I have snapped a few shots here and there though with my soon-to-be-replaced HTC One M7 and played around with them in Snapseed 2.0 when I’ve not bothered to take my big DSLR with me. (I know...there are times that I do that sort of thing...leave home with no camera except for the one in the cell phone...that’s probably a major no-no for a photography inclined person…). My cellphone camera isn't very good in low light, but given the right conditions it can take a half decent snapshot...which then can be improved with some post-processing.
The far left image is from Malmö Central Station. The middle picture is from the the island called Öland in the Baltic Sea and a local amusement park there. The far right image is taken in Staffanstorp, Sweden.
No camera...and I was glad not to use it!
For the last few weeks my grand total photos taken with my DSLR can be summed up with a very low number. In fact it can’t get any lower without going into negatives. That may sound rather ominous for someone into photography to not shoot photos, but it actually isn’t ominous or alarming at all. Quite the contrary in fact!
Read MoreUse the camera you have with you!
I am currently on vacation in Austin, Texas and as my beloved host and I made our way home from brunch at IHOP (gotta get some of those pancakes when I am here!) she suggested we go to the Aquarium, and I thought that was a great idea. I hadn't exactly planned for a day of photography, so my DSLR was still in my backpack. My HTC One cell phone was what I'd have to use for photography that day. I was fine with that though, this vacation is NOT a photo vacation as much as it is a time of seeing loved ones.
Still I couldn't help myself snapping away a few as we walked through the displays and tanks with various fish, octopuses, sea urchins and a few creepies and crawlies. It actually felt good not to have that big camera with me...guess I am slowly turning into a "normal" person? Pity the thought!
My point to this post though, is that it is okay to use whatever camera you can have with you; it doesn't have to be a big full-frame DSLR, it can sometimes be a cell phone...or a point and shoot. It's even possible to do without photography entirely and experience it "live", as my beloved host so eloquently puts it. That could be my New Year's resolution for 2015, to experience things more and not necessarily shoot photos of everything.