As I write this it is the day after the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk and I haven't felt any urge to head out today to take pictures even though there was good light for parts of the day at least. For the entirety of the walk through the streets of Copenhagen yesterday it rained, rained and then it rained even more! I don't think I've ever had to pour water out of the front of a camera before, but there definitely was some in my old Canon 50mm lens after the walk was done!
The walkers before we began...still with smiles on our faces. Photo by Henrik Delfer
No harm was done to the old lens though...and the film camera it is attached to appears to be fine as well. I stuck to shooting with that one yesterday, because my old DSLR is not anywhere near weather-sealed enough to withstand that kind of downpour! So it'll be awhile until I get to see what pictures I took yesterday. I don't have any high hopes for's a bit tricky to maneuver an umbrella, a rather heavy camera body and focus with a manual lens! The images in this post are cell phone snaps (except for the group shot that Henrik shot).
We did find some colors at least in all the wetness!
The question in the headline comes from the fact that I was in Copenhagen last weekend as well, and yes, it absolutely rained then too! Thankfully I am not going there this coming weekend, or it would probably be flooded (perhaps it is MY fault that it rains? :-o). I have uploaded a brand new gallery called Örestad 2017 with pictures from that outing to my website and they are all analog black and white images, shot on a 1974 Canon TLb with my 50 mm 1.8 lens (yep, the one I had to drain yesterday). It's a combo that was given to me awhile back and one that I've come to enjoy using. Sure it's not the most advanced camera, but hey, it was free and it works - there are images on the film strips when they come out of the developer tanks!
Once I've developed the probably water-logged images from yesterday's walk I am sure I will share the ones I am at least somewhat happy with to my blog, but for now they'll remain on the film strip for a little bit longer.