I don’t remember the exact quote or who said it, but the saying went something like “Show me your bookshelf and I'll see what kind of person you are”. I think a modern equivalent of that might be “Show me what podcasts you subscribe to and I’ll see what kind of person you are.”
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This week’s blog post is not going to have any new photographs, since I’ve not done all that much of it lately. You get into a “lull” at times...and that’s nothing to worry about. It’ll come back soon enough. I am still doing my 365 project and have no plans on leaving that until December 31. :-)
Instead I’m going to write about something that is a part of my (almost) daily routine: listening to podcasts.
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January is now over and we’re into the shortest month of the year. This month my grand total of photos taken has been the lowest in years, and I am fine with that. I’ve written several blog posts now about how the obsession with shooting I used to have up until the fall of 2014 hasn’t returned. That is okay, because I am still very interested in photography as a subject...or topic. I definitely read books and magazines and watch videos online about photographers’ works and techniques, I’ve just not felt the urge to go out there and apply the skills or ideas presented in these various types of media.
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