It’s been a few days since people all around me in the neighborhood seemed determined to blast 2020 into smithereens and it’s time to consider the new year and things to do this year
Read MoreNew year and new things to do

It’s been a few days since people all around me in the neighborhood seemed determined to blast 2020 into smithereens and it’s time to consider the new year and things to do this year
Read MoreOil rigs across the channel in Galveston, Texas. A photo that was taken during a most excellent day photography wise.
Photography is a funny thing sometimes. At best it's such an easy, effortless and fun process; you don't even notice how you take picture after picture and they're (mostly) all good enough to be kept in your photo library, while at the worst you think no matter what you do every single picture you take sucks complete and utter monkey balls!
Fortunately I tend to be mostly on the positive side of this spectrum (if you can call it that), but like most photographers sometimes I have doubts about whether my photography is any good, if it is really worth it.
Read MoreThe Long Bridge at Bjärred, Sweden on a January afternoon. One of my first images of 2017
At the start of a year you're supposed to write a "this is what I will try to achieve" post (at least that's what seems to be the consensus among many bloggers), and I did one of those last year, where I stated that in 2016 I would do two things photographically that year; an Instagram 365 project (which I finished) and I would do more analog photography (which I've at least I've begun to do). So that's great for 2016...but that makes me think of goals for 2017.
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