Time flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? Already one sixth into the new year and my ongoing 365 project is well on the way to becoming a routine again. Last year I ran out of steam regarding the uploading part during the spring months for a variety of reasons, but this year I am going to keep it up and upload stuff every day. I think the addition of negative scans here and there among the cell phone shots will be the thing that keeps me going, that inspires me to do this one more year. Mixing it up a bit you know!
This second month has had all kinds of weather, a bit of snow, a bit of storm, a lot of rain and even a bit of sun here and there (thank goodness for the last bit, because it makes the dark days tolerable). I’ve found that getting outside for just a little bit everyday, and especially on a day when the sun is shining does wonders for my mood.
I wrote in last week’s blog post about going to the beach for some photography and I shared a few black and white film scans from that day, grain and all. The cover image of this blog post is taken on that same day, but with my cell phone. I wanted to see if the phone’s camera and software could cope with a selective focus image of this tiny little shell (at most it was 3 cm across), backlit by the setting sun…and I think it did nicely. Of course I most probably looked utterly ridiculous trying to wield my phone while sitting hunched over, careful not to topple over into the waves lapping onto the beach just next to me. But who cares, I got the image I wanted!
Day 33 - February 2: Solid Trunk
This picture was taken at Torup Castle Park, a place I’ve been to many times to take photos. I was testing a new film stock, Japan Camera Hunter’s Streetpan 400 in my medium format SLR. I had heard good things about the film, so I figured I’d check it out, even though I found it VERY expensive (the rolls cost about twice what I pay for my usual Fomapan film stock). Still, I must say I am quite impressed with the result. This is pretty much a straight film negative scan, without any embellishments other than dust removal. It’s certainly a film stock I will keep in mind when I feel the urge to splurge on my film supply!
Day 43 - February 12: First among many
Seeing the snowdrops appear is definitely a good sign, because they mean that spring is on its way. I think that I’ve had a variation on a picture like this in each of my 365 projects, so I don’t get points for originality with this one…but I don’t care. Just the thought that the dark and dreary season might actually be over soon is good enough reason to shoot the picture. That and it being a pretty flower of course!
The 365 Project 2019: Day 50 - Family Photo Fun
For the longest time this photography obsession/hobby/outlet of mine has been shared only by my dad, and at times I wish there were more in the family who shared the interest. Finally I think we may have a contender for that position. My niece has taken an interest in photography and enjoys shooting with her digital compact Canon. Yay! Progress! I don’t plan on converting her to an analog photographer, I’ll let her come to that if she wants to, I just enjoy the fact that she shares the same interest as her uncle and granddad.
The 365 Project 2019: Day 55 - Once We Built Ships Here...
There are a few places in Malmö, Sweden where you can still see that there used to be enormous shipyards there, employing several tens of thousands at one time. They are all gone now, replaced by housing, IT businesses and other things more suitable to the 21st century. Still, in some places there are unmistakable signs of the industry once heard all over the city. This is one of those places, an old dry dock where ships used to be built back in the 1800s. I hadn’t actually been there before so it was cool to actually see it during the most recent Photographers’ Brunch that I was at on February 24th. I’ve converted it to an “old fashioned” black and white, because old industrial relics pretty much require a monochrome color scale.
Day 56 - February 25: Nice Nosing You!
I admit I pinched that image title from Elke Vogelsang, the excellent photographer running the Wieselblitz account on Instagram. Her dog pictures are absolutely amazing, and this picture of my brother’s little dog is not even within the same shire as her shots…but I still like it…and the dog of course! She was spending a few days at my parents’ while my brother had his kitchen refurbished. The mess there would not be good for the dog and she might even get in the way of the contractors, so it was better that she received a lot of love and affection from mom and especially dad. In this picture she’s on dad’s lap resting her head on the kitchen table. It must have been a hard day for her, snoozing for most of it on the daybed next to dad’s desk!