Fourth month of the year is done and once again it is time for a little monthly wrap-up post from me. April was not a very happy month for me and I am very glad we are now into the month of May when the weather is better and the light lasts longer and longer every day! I did lose the urge to post my images every day right after the middle of the month, but I've since caught up again and I don't have any plans on giving up on the project before I am done on December 31st!
The cover image above was taken at Lomma beach, about twenty minutes' drive from home. I went out there to get some fresh air one afternoon after being cooped up at home and encountered this group of riders and horses enjoying the last bits of daylight. It made my day feel much, much better seeing them. Even if the winds did get pretty bad after awhile it was still worth it!
Day 93 - April 3: Trying to understand modern art
This one is from Konsthallen in Malmö, a museum for modern art. I can't say I understood the point of the current exhibition, and from the looks on the faces of the couple in the picture, I don't think they did either! I definitely liked the light in the space though...making for a nice location for a silhouette image or two.
Day 94 - April 4: Upstairs - Downstairs
This was taken at Grand Hotel in Lund where I had just been at the post-funeral gathering for my friend Isabella who had passed away very unexpectedly a little while before. It was a very rough day with the funeral, but seeing this stained glass window as we were leaving the place made me appreciate the beauty and I think Isabella would have liked the image too. Miss you lots my friend! :-(
Day 98 - April 8: Industrial Memories
This is a remnant of the once mighty shipping industry in Malmö just a fleeting memory, replaced by a very stylish residential area and high tech office buildings. This is now a sculptural piece instead of the loud hydraulic hammer it once used to be. I went for a very dark sky in this image, because I thought the harsh sunlight and the shadows of the day made it look more dramatic that way.
Day 111 - April 21: Shoppers
I guess I had a thing for darker, silhouette images during April since this is another one. This was taken at Kvarteret Caroli, a recently refurbished shopping mall in the center of the city. RIght now there's not that many stores open, so the number of customers isn't really that high. Hopefully they can find tenants to fill up the spaces, because the actual building isn't that bad least as far as shopping malls go.
Day 118 - April 28: Train is late
This is at Malmö Central Station, on the way to Copenhagen. There was track maintenance going on in the tunnel underneath the city, there had been idiots running on the tracks and some other problems further north, so all of the people on the platform were waiting for that one elusive train that might appear at some point...which it did eventually, but on a different platform which everyone more or less stampeded towards. Not a pleasant train ride for many of them, but we got there in the end, which is all that matters.