There’s been very little new photography for me in the last week or so for a few reasons, one being I’ve been busy with photo club stuff (our big international exhibition was shown last weekend and I was the whirling dervish of tech for that, which gave me very little time for photography). I pretty much only had time to snap the panorama photo shown above.
Also my best photo buddy, a.k.a. my dad, is temporarily incapacitated with a bad knee which makes it impossible for him to tag along on photo walks and expeditions. That has put a serious damper on my urges to go out shooting for a bit. Hopefully some time with a physiotherapist will help that though, so that he can come with me again on our little adventures.
Platform at Malmö Central Station
I have snapped a few shots here and there though with my soon-to-be-replaced HTC One M7 and played around with them in Snapseed 2.0 when I’ve not bothered to take my big DSLR with me. (I know...there are times that I do that sort of thing...leave home with no camera except for the one in the cell phone...that’s probably a major no-no for a photography inclined person…). My cellphone camera isn't very good in low light, but given the right conditions it can take a half decent snapshot...which then can be improved with some post-processing.
The far left image is from Malmö Central Station. The middle picture is from the the island called Öland in the Baltic Sea and a local amusement park there. The far right image is taken in Staffanstorp, Sweden.