Third week in a row with medium format images of mine to share...this is starting to become a trend! Last weekend I packed myself, my camera bag and my fellow photographing father into the car and drove an hour northeast of here to the Fulltofta Nature Reserve for a photowalk along with a few other members of a Facebook group I'm part of. It was blatantly obvious that my analog cameras were the odd ones out among all the long lensed Canon, Nikons and Sonys, but I didn't care very much...I was too busy enjoying the opportunity to try out the 1950s Zeiss in the new surroundings.
It was one of the first mild spring days and it was warm enough during the walk to remove the jacket and just wear a sweater...a rare treat for us so far this year! The scenery was very varied and it felt very good to stroll through the pine forests, the meadows, the beech tree groves and all the other areas, camera in hand.
It was quite a trek in the end and we were absolutely tired when we reached the parking lot again after the 3 mile walk (it felt a lot longer with all the ups and downs and boulders we had to traverse along the way). A few cups of coffee and some sandwiches later we felt much better and could enjoy the post-walk talk with the other photographers before it was time to pack up our gear and head south again.
Made us think of the Turning Torso building in Malmö
I must admit I am not entirely happy with the development of some of the photos in this post...but that's entirely my own fault. I had two rolls to develop (one Kodak Tri-X and one Ilford HP5 Plus) and after I had developed the Ilford one I realized I had accidentally developed that as a Tri-X film, giving the chemicals a lot longer than I should they were a heck of a lot brighter, less contrasty than they should have been. Live and learn I guess...that and keep track of your different film stocks!
Almost back to the car park!