This is my second blogpost with images in the unique 24 x 65 format from the Hasselblad X Pan II camera I’ve got on loan for a month. I haven’t shot quite as much with it as I thought I would, since the whole world pretty much descended into Corona territory…but I did squeeze in a few walks with it before we were all told to stay home and/or far away from each other, and I have a few rolls still yet to both shoot and develop, so my guess is that there will be a few more posts with images in this ultrawide format in the future!
The images in this post are all from the center of Malmö at the beginning of the Corona thing, when we were told to stay at least six feet away from one another when out and about and preferably work from home if possible. There was a definite lack of people in the center of town when I walked through there, and I am sure it is even emptier now that people have realized that this is VERY real and not just some sort of hoax or exaggeration (like a certain dweller in the White House tried to claim at first).
I’ve never seen this square as empty as this in the middle of the afternoon!
One of the major shopping streets…nearly empty…a pretty surreal experience!
The last few shots in this post are from Gamla Kyrkogården (The Old Cemetary) in central Malmö where I finished up my third roll of film with the X Pan. I am pretty pleased with the image below, because it sort of shows two stages in a couple’s life, now and the future. The wide format makes it a pretty interesting image I think…although it works to a certain extent if you crop it “normally” too.
I like strolling here, because it’s a calm and restful place, unlike the bus stops right outside the fence.
You probably shouldn’t blink around this one…at least according to the Doctor!