Having recently come home from a three week epic road-trip in the US I have A TON of pictures to go through and edit it might seem counter intuitive to go out and shoot more pictures, giving myself more work at the computer. However, when there’s potential for cool street photography at a local festival, as well as some very needed social interaction with other photographers I decided it was worth a short break in my editing of America photos.
Back in 2019 I visited the Norra Grängesbergsgatan Festival for the first time (my blog post from that event can be found here) and since this year was the first time it’s been organized since then (for obvious reasons) I figured I’d give it another go. It was also one of the last events I shot with my old Canon 600D, so it would be a new thing to do with the Fujifilm XT-3 I acquired in October 2019.
I arrived shortly after the festival was set to start at noon, and it was clear to me that some areas were still being set up, tables being carried into position, banners being strung up between poles etc. That was okay with me; the place wasn’t as crowded as it would become later (according to an article I read today there’d been 30,000 (!) people passing through during the festival…and it’s a pretty short and narrow street where the festival takes place).
I enjoyed the relaxed vibe as the festival began and snapped away as I walked back and forth, checking out what there was to photograph. I told myself I’d take it easy on the legs this weekend, but clearly I didn’t listen to myself…when I looked at the phone’s step counter on the bus home I saw that I had racked up over 11,000 steps in pretty short time. I guess I walked a lot more than I thought!
My other event that I went to over the weekend was the monthly photographers’ brunch, a time to hang out with other photography nerds and socialize over lots and lots of good food, followed by a photowalk through the streets of Malmö. I’ve been a part of the group that do this for many years now and it’s always an enjoyable experience. I’d been absent from the previous meetup because I was across the ocean at the time, so it was good to re-connect and chat with friends. Photography by its very nature is a pretty solitary thing, so doing that solitary thing together with others who share this interest is a good thing…especially for someone with introvert tendencies like me.
I didn’t think I was all that much in photography mode that Sunday afternoon, but it turns out I got a few keepers. Now that I am done with those photos and this blog post it’s time to go back to editing the hundreds of pictures I brought home from my road-trip. At this rate I might be doing that until Halloween (hopefully not!).
My fellow brunch participants on their way underneath the tree canopy