Ninth mone done and I am fast approaching the 300th picture of the year. Wow! September was an interesting month in this project where I did a few things I’ve not really done before, including paying a visit to a local music and culture festival (more about that later in the blogpost).
Also, this post is a bit on the late side (I usually try to post my wrap-up post of the previous month as soon as possible once the month is over, but this time around I took a blogging break because…well…sometimes it is good to do that - pure and simple.
The cover image was taken on one of the last really warm days in September as I made my way home from another photowalk with the awesome people of the Fotografi i Skåne Facebook group. I walked across one of the many bridges in Malmö and spotted the lovely flowers and thought “why not?”. It wasn’t until after I walked closer to get a good focus on the flower in the foreground that I spotted the bee trying to gather that last bit of nectar of the season. Lucky chance encounter I’d say!
September 3 - Day 246: Night Clouds
This image is one of those “oh what is that, I need to take a photo of that” moments. I was driving home from an event at my photo club and as I braked for the red light I noticed the clouds being lit by the very last bits of daylight. Fortunately I had enough time during the red light to pick up my phone and snap this picture! And then I was on my merry way again. Figured it was best to point out the stationary position I was in at the time of the picture taking, because you absolutely should NOT fiddle with your phone in any way while driving…that’s a huge no-no!
September 11 - Day 254: Rocking out in the smoke
This was one of those “never done this before” moments I had during this month. I had read about the culture festival at Norra Grängesbergsgatan (it’s a street in Malmö) where a lot of bands and other culture groups set up stages in different locales (like car washes and other buildings) and play their music in front of a live audience for a day. It was a very grassroots kind of vibe in a way that the much, much, much bigger Malmö festival held in August every year never was, and I liked the vibe…even if the bands and dance parties were REALLY loud. I guess that could be me fast approaching “old” status…fortunately I had ear plugs in my camera bag so I was okay in that regard.
September 14 - Day 257: Now I just need some students
This was taken at my photo club as I was preparing the second part of our Introduction to Analog Photography class. Here my students were taught how to thread their film rolls onto the spools and put into the developing tanks. After we did this in the “dry” a few times they were able to do it for real in our darkroom and after that we developed their films. I’m happy to say that they were all successful at getting pictures on their film rolls. Yay!
September 25 - Day 268: Triangeln Station
There are locations that we keep going back to, over and over again, and I’ve discovered that the Triangeln station in central Malmö is one of those for me. We recently had a “Same Place, Different Times” theme at the street photography group in my photo club and I realized I had A LOT of pictures taken at this station through the years. I don’t know exactly what it is about the place that makes me come back again and again, but I guess it’s a combination of the architecture, the light and the fact that whenever you go down the escalators into the underground there’s going to be new people down there - it’s never exactly the same.
September 29 - Day 272: Reflections at the pond
While I am mostly a street photographer there are times when I feel I have to refuel out in nature. At least that’s how it works for me. Fortunately I live not too far away from gorgeous beech forests (I’ve populated this year’s 365 project pages with several pictures from these woods already), so I can go there and enjoy the serene landscape and scenery. When the weather grants you an absolutely calm day (a rare treat in this part of the country) and you find a pond like this it’s not difficult to feel a lot more zen about the world…if only for the moments you have in the woods!