This weekend I was at a photowalk in Trelleborg, a small town on the southernmost coast of Sweden. I was kind of surprised that 11 people showed up to photograph there on a Sunday, because not a whole lot was going on that day. It was great to catch up with old friends though, as well as chatting with a few new ones.
That is the primary reason why I go on these photowalks; it's not for the photography as much as it is the social interaction with other photography nerds, to talk to other people who share the interest in image making. If you can get a good shot too while you're out there...that's a bonus!
Photo by Susanne Nilsson (
I don't think I got anything earth-shatteringly good on my memory card during the photowalk, but it was great fun anyway and a nice day to be outside...even though the winds got pretty fierce and nearly "stole" my hat a few times! The photos in this post are of my fellow photographers during the walk, who by the looks of the photos I've seen so far got a lot luckier than I did. Good for them I say!