It’s been quite a few weeks since I posted to this blog, mostly because I haven’t really felt I had a coherent group of photos to post as a “story”. I’ve been out and about photographing the oncoming spring, but not to the extent that I have a selection of photos to share. Today though I think I do have a little something to share.
This weekend it was once again time for “Bonnamarknaden” (translated to The Farmers’ Market) in my little hometown Staffanstorp, just outside Malmö in Sweden, a more than 50 year old tradition by now. While it started as a huge charity flea market put on by the Lions Club these days it’s more an excuse to put up market stalls along Main Street and have big carnival rides for people to ride. The surplus still goes to charity though, so it’s all good. Plus people seem to have a good time experiencing the market.
Just because the sun is shining it doesn’t mean it’s summer…unless you’re VERY warmblooded I suppose…
I’ve been to this event for as long as I can remember - I even took part as a vendor with my junior high school back in the 80s when we raised money for an end of school year trip - so my expectations for new and exciting photography weren’t exactly high. I knew what to expect to find…and it turned out to be exactly that, which is a comfort I suppose. I knew there were photos of carnival rides and street vendors and customers to be had. So that’s what I ended up taking pictures of.
A rare gap in the throng of people along Main Street. There were quite a few stalls with trinkets to look at…as usual!
A vendor selling something useful…rather than just junk. I saw many people stock up on plants for their gardens
Why people bring their dogs to these loud and crowded events…I’ve never figured that out!
That carnival ride in the background…was quite intimidating! I didn’t see many people riding it either.
Good thing there were rides for the junior market visitors too!
I guess this one could be called “Dreams of Carnivals Gone By”.
I used to enjoy being on rides like this one…but these days I prefer to stay on terra firma. Others enjoyed it a lot though!
There were a lot of screams and shrieks from this one. I bet their candy-filled stomachs were quite scrambled afterwards!
I’m not sure what Siegfried and Roy have to do with a small town market in Sweden…but there they are…