I recently needed to head into town for a clothing purchase (I had misplaced my winter gloves and since temperatures are turning towards Arctic hellscape I needed new ones) and figured I might as well bring some photo gear. I don’t do street photography quite as often as I used to; I think it’s something I “weened” myself from during Covid and I haven’t quite gotten back to it. I do enjoy it though when I have the opportunity.
I ended up doing my “usual route” from the Triangeln train station down to the Stortorget square and back again and I actually ended up with a few photos that I liked. The light wasn’t the most interesting, but that was okay…I figured I’d snap away anyway and that turned out to be a wise move. You can always delete your failures when you get home! After doing just that I had a nice little selection, and it turned out I had also created a theme, however unintentional, of couples. I am not usually one that shoots with a theme in mind, so it is nice when you can find one during editing!
Seeing these pictures on the computer screen makes me think I need to start doing more street photography again. Lots of interesting people out there doing interesting things…and soon the Christmas and holiday decorations will be up and the lights will be lit, providing interesting opportunities, even during the darker hours of the day (which are plentiful around here at this time of year).
Clogs for everyone!
The old cemetery is a calming space downtown.
The golden light on the cobblestones and pavers was what made me take this picture.