This summer, after I came home from my delightful (but too short) trip to the US I’ve gone on a few little “day trips” to do some street photography here and there, but not to the extent I used to do before the pandemic. I guess I’m still trying to re-kindle that flame, that urge to spend hours upon hours out on the streets, snapping hundreds of photos, then you find those rare gems among them during editing. I’m getting there though…step by step I suppose. Also, It’s not necessarily a bad thing NOT to take hundreds of photos when you’re out and about. It certainly saves on editing time and hard drive space!
Lund, Sweden
The photos in this post are a mixture of photos I’ve taken this summer in three locations close to me, the cities of Malmö, Lund and Helsingborg, all in the southern-most province of Sweden, Skåne. There’s no particular theme to them, just street photos I happen to like from the bunch I took home and didn’t throw out right away (which were the vast majority of them, to be honest).
Malmö, Sweden
It’s not part of the reasoning behind these particular photos being part of the blog post, but I think that’s one of the benefits of having done this obsession/hobby for many years - you learn to cull mercilessly among your photos so that you are left with just keepers. Getting rid of the crappy ones or the duplicates of a photo (I often take several exposures in rapid succession so I don’t miss a moment) or the so-so ones have helped me with the self-doubt I’m inevitably going run up against.
If you keep all the failures it is far too easy to get bogged down with staring at those shots (and there are a lot more failures than successes when you come home with a memory card you want to transfer to your computer). By getting rid of the crappy ones I’ve found I feel much better about the photos I actually do keep for posterity!