During the pandemic I’ve been very strict on where I take photos. I’ve stayed away from urban areas almost entirely, especially from early fall of 2020 when the second wave hit us, to the point where I don’t think it really was that healthy for me from a mental standpoint. While being out in the woods or at the coast is lovely and refreshing in all sorts of ways, I need to walk the streets every once in a while, camera in my hand, ready to take pictures of interesting people and situations.
Conversation taking place at least six feet away from each other. Good job folks!
Yet, I’ve kept myself away to not risk catching anything and spreading it to people I care about…so much so that I’ve not been in the center of Lund, my closest major city, for over a year. A week or so ago I decided to risk it and have a walk around there since I had to drive in there anyway to renew my passport (we might be able to travel later this year after all).
I think this little guy knew where they were heading, given how much he pulled on the leash!
Empty chairs at empty tables…
It was a bit of a strange sensation to drive the familiar route into the city for the first time in a long time; familiar yet new at the same time (I don’t often drive into Lund since the bus stops less than 200 meters from my home, but not now during the pandemic). The passport took less than five minutes to get sorted then I could walk around the city center for a little while, an area that I’ve been to so many times I could probably walk it blindfolded (not really…not with all the advertising signs placed on the sidewalk I wouldn’t recommmend it!). Still it was good to have a brief walk there to re-acquaintance myself with street photography, the stuff I want to do much more of, once this infernal pandemic is over!
I think she did eventually manage to catch the train she was chasing.