Since today is April 1st (and don't worry, this is a 100 percent April Fools free blog post) it is time for another wrap-up of this year-long project, the third in this "series". March was a month with some challenges on the personal front, so it was not the easiest to keep the project going, but somehow I kept going and managed to put this third month of the year behind me, making one fourth of the thing done.
The cover image is from the first day of the month when I got on the bus to Malmö, heading due west into the setting sun. It's been an unusually cold March, so the ice crystals on the bus window made for a nice foreground element for the phone's camera to focus on as the sunset provided the colors and light in the background.
March 3 - Day 62: Triple Curve
Sometimes you latch onto the most mundane things around you to make a picture of. I think this is the case here, where I spotted this stack of chair at my photo club and the repetition of three curves made for that day's image. It's of course helped by the postprocessing into a rather contrasty black and white image. I've discovered that I've taken more and more black and white images the further the year progresses (at least so far). If that continues in the future? Who might. March was a very monochrome month for me, both due to the weather as well as the mood.
March 18 - Day 77: At The Bathhouse
This is one of those images where I think I managed to get it to look exactly the way it was in "my mind's eye" with that darkening sky above the very bright building at the end of the jetty. This is the RIbersborg bathhouse in Malmö, Sweden where people have been taking baths since the turn of the last century. It was a clear and cold winter day when I was there, but not very many people were out and about, making for an almost deserted look.
March 19 - Day 78: Last Light
It is perhaps a bit of a cliche to take a picture of a sunset, but when it looks like this, how can you avoid it? This was taken during a walk I took to get some fresh air and then I was rewarded with this view. Sometimes an image is this simple.
March 20 - Day 79: First Light
A sort of instant follow up to the image the day before, since this is indeed the light of dawn on the next morning. It had snowed during the night making for a light dusting of white (or rather blue in this image) which added a bit to the image.
March 23 - Day 83: Puppy Day
This little pretzel of a dog is called Molly and she is part of my brother's family. I must say I am envious of both my brother who can call her part of the family as well as her for her carefree outlook on life. As long as she's got a lap to lounge on and someone to scratch her back she seems happy. I got some rather upsetting news just before I posted this image, and I could definitely have benefited from borrowing this cute pooch from my brother for awhile...although I don't think that would have made my niece and nephew very happy....