2018 is just shy of three weeks old as I write this on January 20 and if you happen to follow me on Instagram (instagram.com/tomasnilssonfoto), Twitter (twitter.com/tomnilsson) or Facebook (facebook.com/TomasPhotos) you may have noticed that there has been a few daily Instagram photo postings from me under the #instagram365 hashtag since January 1.
Yep, I am doing a new daily photo posting project this year. I did this self-imposed photo challenge in 2016 and managed to finish it on December 31st with the 366th image of the year, and then I felt I was done with that and only posted around 65 shots on Instagram during 2017.
However, with the new phone I got at the start of November I felt the urge to challenge myself again with what kind of pictures I can take with that that I didn’t do in 2016. So on January 1 I kicked off a new challenge, which happened to be as I was spending some time in Stockholm with my significant other...so I had some (for us) exotic locations to start it off with. Bonus I’d say!
January 8 - Place for goodbyes
So what will happen with the Instagram 365 project this year? That’s the thing...just like last time I have no idea what pictures will end up in it. I’ll roll with whatever happens and the things I end up doing. I am not going to promise that all the pictures will be shot, edited and posted on the same day at all times...there will be days when there’s no photo taken and I will have to dip into the archive for the daily picture...but I will most definitely attempt to upload an Instagram picture every day. In the end I think I will put them together in a book, just like last time. It probably won't be a book for sale though, because it'll be quite an expensive print-on-demand deal (through Blurb most likely) and I doubt there's THAT big an interest in my phone snaps! It will be a keepsake for me though, something tangible from the year long project!
January 14 - Orbs
The images will appear daily on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and I will also upload them to a separate gallery here on a weekly (or so) basis. I am thinking I will do monthly wrap-up posts on the blog as well, just like I did in 2016. That way I can look back on each month and write a bit about five or six of the month's images in more detail.