Some days it is easier than others to be in street photography mode. March 17th is definitely one of those, if you're anywhere near a place where St.Patrick's Day is celebrated in some shape or form! Since Copenhagen is one of these places I've made it a tradition for me to go there to enjoy the sights and sounds of the day.
For the fourth (or possibly fifth) time I took the train across the waters to the Danish capital to take photos of and to enjoy the festivities around this Irish holiday. It's always a lot of fun and people seem very happy to dress up in anything and everything green they can find - much to the delight of photographers covering the events.
As usual I went to see the start of the three-legged charity race first. The race goes between a few Irish pubs in town and raises a lot of money for good causes. And it provides the spectators and photographers with some funny scenes when people try to coordinate their movements. As people made their way to the pub where the runners had the first obligatory beer I heard the best comment of the day, from one of the staff members: "Just your average quiet Thursday afternoon in Copenhagen..."
Of course when out and about with other photographers you run the risk of ending up in their pictures!
Photo by Lars G Truedsson
After that it was time to go to the City Hall Square for the performances there, with "river dance" and traditional Irish music, followed by the traditional parade. This year I didn't feel like walking along with the parade like I did a few years ago, because after being in photography mode for six hours and taking close to 500 images I felt I had enough images to work with already!