Almost two months ago I had the privilege to shoot a Roller Derby game in Malmö, between Malmö Royal Roller Derby (in green) and the Royal Army from Stockholm (in black), as part of a four man group of photographers court side. I've been meaning to share some of the photos before, but just never got around to it...until now at the start of the new year.
I've shot Roller Derby before, at an open air event a few years ago, but this was my first time indoors under fluorescent lights. My concern was that my 18-200 mm lens wasn't entirely up to snuff, but with any sports photography, if you're not an expert already, you're going to get a lot of fails even with a state of the art lens, so I was ready to shoot a lot and throw away a lot when I got home.
Sure enough, when I imported my shots to my Lightroom catalog I had over 400 shots taken that day...but after several rounds of scrutiny and selections I was down at a much more tolerable number, of which I am sharing a few here today.
Post-game lineup...or rather...pile-up!
It was fun to shoot a sporting event, but it is definitely a sport where it pays to know the ins and out of the game, because many times I had no clue what was going on! An understanding of the goings-on would certainly have helped, and made for more keepers in the end. But hey, nobody is an expert at shooting something after just two tries! Not even me! ;-)