The three months ending the old year and beginning the new (November to January) are usually the slowest photography months for me, usually because the light is pretty much non-existent bar a few days when we have clear skies and (maybe) some snow covering the ground. Those days are good for photography, but otherwise…perhaps not so much. I usually put my camera away for much of this period since I find the lack of light so uninspiring. However, to combat these photographic doldrums and feelings of “why bother” I ventured into the center of Malmö to see if the ongoing Christmas market stalls and people there would inspire me.
After a long walk through the city I came home with 46 exposures on the memory card, which is pretty low for me for an outing like this, where I walked many miles in the two and a half hours I spent in the very gray and dim daylight. I didn’t think I had that many good ones, in fact I didn’t even bother to download them to the computer straight away like I usually do, I waited till the next day. When I did it turned out there were a few worth saving, there were a few that I wasn’t entirely unhappy with!
I guess my aversion to this dim and gray light we have right now may have clouded my perception a bit as to the quality of the pictures I took. When I was out there it felt more like I was on autopilot rather than being very creative, but it turns out that sometimes the autopilot can take an okay image here and there!
Those green boots stood out to my eyes. I bet it’s downright cozy in there!
Not all Swedes dress in the traditional dark blue, brown or black. This lady really lit up the streets with her red coat!
Every year there are more and more people trying to catch fish in the canal. I would NOT want to eat that fish though!
Interesting outfit…I think it was fantasy themed because of the Christmas market put on by the Sci-Fi Bookstore nearby.
Nothing wrong with a winter street smooch!
Best seat in the house…on dad’s shoulders!
It’s not a Swedish market without the coffee!