Sometimes feeling good is simple. A slow walk through a forest on the first warm-ish day of spring, basking in glorious sunlight is a very good way towards that. Getting a few pictures in the process is even better. And doing it together with your father who happens to be a photographic mentor is better still.
It turned out that this mother was one of my father's former students.
Clearly these had a lot of catching up to do...because they were very noisy!
Today we drove a few miles to the forested areas around the Torup Castle, a former medieval manor, now converted into a recreational areas with lots of running tracks and undulating hills covered in beech forest. Now in March it is still in winter mode, with bare tree branches, but in only a few weeks’ time it will be a green wonderland of new leaves, little flower buds and birds, giddy with hormones, belting out their mating calls. That has in fact already started, just like the woodpeckers hammering away at preparing their nest holes for the season.
When will my humans come back out...and what will they bring for me?
Around us a few other winter pale Swedes were enjoying the warm weather, strolling around the forest paths, huffing and puffing around in running shoes or later on having a refreshing beverage outside (!) the cafe building. All in all a very nice time spent in a lovely area, that’ll only get better by the day now when warm weather hopefully has returned.
...but of course, as soon as I typed that I probably jinxed us and brought another four weeks of gray and chilly weather...