I don't know how many photographers have been swept up in the whole Five Days, Five Black and White shots challenge thing on either Facebook or Google+, but I've just posted my fifth and final image and I figured I'd post them here as a whole (not that they are a collection or on a common theme).
Day Two
The more I've done photography through the years the more I tend to do black and white photos (much to the chagrin of my dear mother who just doesn't "like" black and white photos ;-)), so it was a fairly easy process to find five images to post.
Well, actually it was more a process of eliminating shots that I wanted to include but couldn't. As usual my selection process involved having way too many photos to pick from and from there narrowing it down to the final five.
Day Three
Now I am sure that's nothing unusual for photographers (or any artist making selections for public events, but I find it fascinating that at first I think I don't have any good shots to show, then I go through my stuff and pick the "maybe's" and the "potentials" and I usually end up with twice as many as I have room to show. From there it's a process of elimination, and finding the reasons why an image should either stay or go.
Day Four
The five images I picked for the five day challenge turned out to be an interesting bunch. I've got two street photos, two details photos and one landscape photo and I think that fairly well reflects the sorts of photography that I tend to do. It wasn't a conscious choice to do this, but I like the way they are "collected" here.
Day Five